Diseño de packaging lleida

Packaging - Product labeling

We study your product, its market and its public in order to design the most suitable packaging for its destination, we find out what makes your product special or differential and we show it.

Packaging etiquetado producto mollerussa lleida

In a globalized market, where products are similar and competition is fierce, a good idea of packaking is what can differentiate from the rest of the competition, it can be the differentiating element that influences the purchase decision of a consumer and makes them decide to buy one product or another.

Packaging development is important to ensure that products are protected during storage, transportation and display, and that they are attractive to consumers.

At Garsaball Branding, we develop it through a process that includes several key steps:

The process generally involves several stages, including research, design, prototyping, testing and manufacturing.

1. Research: we gather information on consumer preferences, industry trends and regulatory/legal requirements. We also analyze the performance of existing packaging materials best suited to the product itself.

2. Design: We create initial concepts for packaging / labeling materials based on the information gathered during the research stage. We make photomontages with the designs and packaging, retouch and analyze based on stakeholder feedback.

3. Prototyping: once a design has been selected, we create prototypes of the selected material using various techniques. We also carry out tests to evaluate the performance of the selected packaging material under different conditions, such as friction, temperature, humidity…

4. Legal requirements, labeling regulations, EAN barcodes: we evaluate whether the product complies with the regulations and legal requirements in question. Also aspects such as whether it can be used for export and in which countries. If necessary, we request the EAN barcodes identifying the product.

5. Manufacturing: we analyze and choose the company that can best develop the packaging / labeling, according to price, quality, supply, duration of delivery dates, technical aspects of assembly, warranties…

Throughout the development process we also consider aspects such as sustainability and environmental impact. It can explore the use of renewable or recyclable materials, reduce packaging waste and optimize design to reduce transportation and storage costs.

Contact us at

To study your packaging / product labeling project and to be able to propose our services, budget and/or ideas in this field. From our studio located in Mollerussa / Lleida / Catalonia / Spain / Online.
